Computer Finance & Computer Leasing
Smallworld IT offer our customers computer finance and computer leasing for all size of business. We provide computer finance solutions giving you a choice of many of the worlds leading funders.
Access to over 200 lenders - Quotation in 2 minutes!
You are not limited to computer finance on hardware alone - our business finance solutions allow you to finance almost any technology-related expense for your business.
You can finance the following:
- Infrastructure
- Hardware & Software
- Installation & Maintenance
- Web Site Development
- Internet Hosting Services
- On-Going Support
- Updates & Upgrades ... and more
If you have any questions or would like a quotation, please contact us so that we may provide the information you require. It only takes 2 minutes.
Computer finance has many benefits for your business
- No deposits required – easing budget constraints
- Finance protects cash flow
- Provides Tax Benefits
- Makes IT business critical purchases easier to buy
- Manage your cash flow in a cost efficient manner
Total technology finance solutions allow your entire solution to be financed in one go. This can also respond to the need for further investment, without increasing the rental amount.
Our Business is your solution ...
Please LK|15|contact us so that we may discuss your requirements further.
Why Finance?
No deposit
There is no deposit and you can even arrange deferred payment.
You can you use the solution immediately whilst spreading the cost over its life time.
Upgrade as you need to
With a financed solution you can plan for improvements and upgrade as you need to, in many cases without necessarily increasing your payments.
ROI Takes months, not years
You can spread payments over an agreement period, so cost benefits can be aligned with expenditure.
No impact on the Balance Sheet and Tax Benefits
Finance solutions may not affect the Balance Sheet and are tax deductible. Enhance your tax and accounting position by treating rental as an operating cost, and removing it from your balance sheet. 100% of the rental can be allowable against your taxable income (please consult your
Only Departmental sign-off required
Many of our clients find that budget sign-off is much easier, and usually requires only departmental approval. This gives your solution a much better chance of sign-off.
Protects your cash flow
With finance, payments are smaller and more digestible. Also, because the payment never fluctuates, it means that cash flow is much easier to manage.
By using finance for your IT investments your business can use your cash for other business critical things, such as working capital for added security or investment for other productive opportunities.
Addresses business success issues
A finance solution may help you to create a fund to purchase new solutions, without having to find the cash, or increase your payments.
Please get in touch for a quote - it only takes 2 minutes.